3 Ways to Simplify Online Giving and Reduce Costs

September 1st 2020

We haven’t met a ministry worker who doesn’t wear 13 hats to keep their church afloat! We understand that your time is a valuable thing, but so is your online giving platform. With COVID-19, online giving has grown exponentially in its usage and helped churches receive the funds they need to minister and carry on with their mission in tough times.

We know some quick wins can go a long way for church admins right now. With that in mind, each of our 3 tips can be setup in 5 minutes or less and still make a significant impact!

(1) Allow Donors To Cover Processing Costs

When you enable the option to cover the processing costs, it can significantly reduce expenses plus give your members an opportunity to meaningfully impact your ministry. 

Convenience Fee

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(2) Automated Recurring Giving Reminders

Setup Automated Reminders asking donors if they’d like to make their gift recurring. You can set the frequency of these reminders and customize the text. 

I like to think of recurring giving as “Choosing in Advance to give your first to God.” These reminders can be a tremendous way to encourage this within your ministry!

Recurring Giving Reminder

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(3) Display Full Giving History

Setup your giving form to show both online AND offline donations. Once a donor logs in, they’ll be able to see their complete giving history, making your giving portal a one-stop-shop for donors to review and manage all their giving. 

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(4) BONUS! Use A Mobile App To Make Giving Super Simple

According to the Pew Research Center, in 2019…

  • 81% of Americans use a smartphone
  • 53% of those 65+ also use a smartphone (it’s not just millennials)
  • 85% of the time spent on mobile devices was within an app

Using an app makes it easy for your members to give and engage the moment they feel inspired. 

Take advantage of MinistryOne, our member-facing mobile app (included at no extra cost with your Giving Software)! 


More Than A Simple Giving App

MinistryOne is designed to be a central hub to engage your community with sermons, live-streaming, first-time visitor forms, your church directory, prayer requests, and much more

To learn more about MinistryOne – see our overview here.  

To get a great start, join our free weekly training webinar or check out our MinistryOne help resources.

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