8 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Church Mobile App

January 13th 2015

It shouldn’t just be a mobile version of your church website. While your website will primarily provide information to potential visitors, a mobile app should offer more engaging content and tools for your church community.

And mobile apps aren’t for every church. If you see more checkbooks than iPhones being used each Sunday, a mobile app probably won’t serve your church well. But if your church community is quick to adopt new technology, a mobile app could be the perfect tool. And here’s how to make sure you’re getting the most out of it:

1. Integrate with your church database

Make sure your mobile app is integrated with your church management software. It will save your staff time and increase the usability for your church community.

2. Provide another giving option

If most people in your church don’t carry cash and have never written a check, mobile giving could provide convenience for your church community and consistency to your giving. The ability to make contributions to different funds and view giving history right on their smartphones will encourage people to be generous and wise stewards.

3. Allow people to check in

If your check-in stations are congested each Sunday morning, including a check-in option on your mobile app could make the process faster, easier, and more organized.

4. Expedite event registration

People might not remember to register for the next conference or retreat once they get home. Encourage them to sign up from their pews and even pay while it’s still on their minds. Mobile registration could lead to a better turn out for your church events.

5. Make the latest sermon series available

A mobile media center will allow people to catch up on services they’ve missed or access relevant resources wherever they are.

6. Simplify connection

Include a church directory in your mobile app so members of your church community can easily connect with each other throughout the week. Look for options that allow staff to take notes and include follow-up tasks so they can stay organized on the go. And consider providing an option for people to get plugged into a small group at their fingertips.

7. Customize

Make your mobile app stand out in the App Store and Google Play with a custom name and unique icon that reflects your church’s branding strategy.  Include other customized content relevant to individual ministries or campaigns so your mobile app isn’t generic—it’s tailored to your church community’s needs.

8. Promote

All these tools will go to waste if your church community doesn’t know that they’re available, so actively promote your mobile app and all the convenience it offers. Demonstrate a feature from the pulpit. Include details in your church newsletter. Place an informational card in the bulletin. Mention it during announcements. Throw a slide up. Plug it on Facebook and your website. And don’t stop after one week. Continue to remind people about your mobile app and show them all it can do.

Check out these other resources to determine if a mobile app is right for your church:

Is Your Church Ready for a Mobile App?

Does Your Church Need a Mobile App?

Image Credits: istockphoto

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