“Expect the unexpected” might be an appropriate tagline for 2020. It feels like there’s some new change that affects our lives almost daily. In the midst of all the uncertainty and the approaching Christmas season, many people are “tuning in” to church, looking for stability and hope. This means that churches need to treat their online ministry with the same care and attention to detail as their in-person ministry
As your church looks to engage visitors online, here’s 3 simple ways forms—found in your church management software—can provide connection opportunities.
1. Create an Online Connect Card.
Connect cards have traditionally been one of the best methods of collecting pertinent information from new visitors that are attending your church. Typically these allow visitors to share personal and contact information with your church that’s perfect for plugging into your church management software database. With the transition to online and hybrid ministry, forms are your best asset to create an online connect card that can be linked from the footer of your site, as well as your live streaming page, with some kind of visual cue to help it stand out and encourage your online visitors to fill it out. Our friends at Church @ the Springs have a great example of a Connect Card page for their visitors.
Bonus: When someone fills out your online connect card, use a simple workflow to immediately follow up via text.
2. Take Online Prayer Requests
COVID-19 isn’t the only concern in our congregations as the CDC has released mental health survey results that reveal concerns, such as stress, depression, suicidal tendencies, and substance use have all seen sharp increases since COVID-19 began. Praying, for ourselves and others, is such an important aspect of community within the church. Setting up an online prayer request form is a great way to allow others to share their prayer requests and have your pastoral team or prayer team lift them up in prayer. Destiny Church in Las Vegas, NV has created a Prayer Request page with a word of encouragement and a direct link to a prayer request form for visitors to fill out.
3. Offer Service to Those in Need
Even while people are stuck at home, churches can still rally Christians in their community to help others in need. As COVID-19 cases rise, how can your church respond, offering their own time & gifts to those who might need it? Might there be people willing to donate to a benevolence fund to help families or individuals in need? Could someone help with child-care if schools are closed? Neighborhood Church in Cypress, CA has set up a COVID-19 Resources page for their online visitors to understand what guidelines the church is following for their in-person meetings during this time, as well as direct links to resources for giving or receiving help.
4. Bonus: Connect More Easily on the Go with MinistryOne

Each of the above forms can easily be added to MinistryOne, our mobile app. Moreover, MinistryOne makes it easy to create and use forms as simple “pages” in your church mobile app to promote online resources, your social media, or even upcoming sermons. Don’t waste time reinventing the wheel! Creatively use MinistryOne to engage members and visitors alike – linking to key information about your ministry.
Get started today by using your forms found in your church management software and linking or embedding them onto your church website. You can find helpful documentation on forms at our help center.