3 Ways a Recurring Gift Program Pays for Itself

May 19th 2021

One of the most powerful tools churches and ministries can implement is a recurring gift program. By encouraging congregants and supporters to give on a recurring basis, you can help your organization operate on a balanced budget and stand strong through the tough times.

Starting a recurring gift program means setting up systems that make recurring giving possible—but the benefits of a recurring gift program make it well worth the effort. In fact, many churches and ministries find that a recurring gift program pays for itself quickly.

Recurring Gifts Programs Earn More Over Time

Studies show that people give more when they give through a recurring gift program. In the Why Recurring Giving is a Game-Changer for Churches article, a great example was given: “Your average churchgoer only attends 37 weeks a year. That leaves 45 weeks they’re not at service during the offering. If someone in your church gave $50 during every attended service, they donate $1,850 annually. If that same person set up automatic recurring gifts, their annual giving amount would swell to $2,600. Think about the impact a $750 increase in giving can make for your church’s vision.”

People Actually Prefer Recurring Giving Programs

Recurring gift programs are actually preferred by most givers. The Millennial Impact Report found that 52% of millennials prefer to give monthly as a way to make a difference in this world. It may seem counter-intuitive that people would rather give more over 12 months than they would once annually, but smaller, monthly payments are easier than a lump sum at the end of the year…plus givers prefer knowing they’re making an impact on a regular basis rather than “swooping in” to help just once a year.

Recurring Giving Programs Ensure Long-term Success

What’s really amazing about recurring gift programs is their long-term success. Research reveals that 75% of donors who give for a minimum of 6 months tend to keep giving for years. In short, recurring givers mean long-term success for your ministry’s operations and outreach.

The good news is that implementing a recurring gift program doesn’t have to be difficult. Modern Church Management Software (ChMS) systems like Elexio make recurring giving part of their core functionality. By investing in a ChMS, your church will be able to turn one-time givers into recurring givers faster than you might expect, benefiting both the giver and the ministry. In fact, it’s likely to pay for itself.

Discover the Best Strategies for a Recurring Gifts Program

If you’re ready to unleash one of the most powerful tools in a ministry’s arsenal, click here to download our FREE whitepaper on “5 Effective Strategies for Building a Successful Recurring Gifts Program.”  Also, view this on-demand webinar as we discuss the best practices from healthy churches for building a recurring gifts program.

Put your church on the path to the stability of recurring income today!

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